Jessica Trinh, è una talentuosa giovane fotografa di soli 19 anni ed ha realizzato una bella serie di immagini di cani che vi faranno sciogliere il cuore.
Il progetto si chiama “Let It Rain Love” una galleria di immagini dove adorabili e dolci cagnoloni, vengono ritratti mentre fissano l’opiettivo immersi in una pioggia di cuori.
Jessica Trinh scrive sul suo sito. “Spero che questo progetto illumini tutti sull’adottare un cane abbandonato”. Una pioggia d’amore.
Jessica scrive:
“I wanted to give back to the community. My dogs have changed my life and I wanted more dogs to help people change their lives so I felt it to be appropriate to start a new project. My new project is inspired by Daisy, my rescued girl. She has changed my entire life for the better. This project is inspired by her and I want to thank her for that because I believe this project will give a new meaning to my photography
The title of this project describes a set story for every single dog in a shelter. Each dog behind those cages are in a drought. Not a single drop of love falls on them and they are just hoping the drought will end. They need someone to shower them with love and give them a chance to have hearts shower them for eternity.
I am currently expanding my project and venturing to new shelters. I hope this project enlightens everyone on the story of a shelter dog and not only make people think twice about giving up a dog, but give these beautiful shelter dogs a chance for a new home with love.” – Jessica Trinh
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