Fecebook emoticons

Fecebook emoticons

La lista completa delle emoticons Facebook per il 2014 che si possono inserire nella chat cono elencate nel post dedicato. (cliccando sul link)

Qui potete trovare altre facebok emoticons differenti suddivise in:

  • Emoticons facebook tradizionali
  • Emoticons facebook Meme
  • Emoticons facebook bandiere degli stati
  • Emoticons facebook delle serie TV
  • Emoticons facebook della musica
  • Emoticons facebook dei film
  • Emoticons facebook random

Ecco gli elenchi qui sotto. Enjoy

Emoticons facebook tradizionali

Emoticon Name Shortcut
smile :-) :) :] =)
tongue :-P :P :-p :p =P
wink ;-) ;)
grin :-D :D =D
curly lips :3
kiss :-* :*
grumpy >:( >:-(
glasses 8-) 8) B-) B)
sunglasses 8-| 8| B-| B|
upset >:O >:-O >:o >:-o
confused o.O O.o
shark (^^^)
gasp :-O :O :-o :o
pacman :v
squint -_-
devil 3:) 3:-)
unsure :/ :-/ : :-
frown :-( :( :[ =(
cry :'(
Chris Putnam :putnam:
robot :|]
heart <3
angel O:) O:-)
kiki ^_^
42 ^_^
penguin <(“)

Facebook emoticons Meme

Emoticon Name Shortcut
Better then Expected [[256677457745924]]
Are you Serious? [[112680945523951]]
Anti-joke Chicken [[355178957849548]]
Challenge Expected [[391579167523258]]
Cool Story Bro [[302451776482112]]
Disapproval [[358205124200991]]
Happy Face [[255800484498056]]
I Lied [[350521391654191]]
Know All [[184073421695209]]
No Me Gusta [[149535571834373]]
Big Me Gusta [[293955833972970]] [[293955850639635]] [[293955873972966]] [[293955920639628]] [[293956017306285]] [[293956043972949]] [[293956060639614]] [[293956087306278]] [[293956100639610]] [[293956107306276]] [[293956117306275]] [[293956127306274]] [[293956147306272]] [[293956220639598]] [[293956283972925]] [[293956303972923]] [[293956327306254]] [[293956350639585]] [[293956370639583]] [[293956450639575]] [[293956570639563]] [[293956620639558]] [[293956677306219]] [[293956710639549]] [[293956767306210]]
Me Gusta [[164413893600463]]
Oh God Why [[238440539583758]]
Oh Yeah [[271332952936071]]
Philosoraptor [[183671768326457]]
Paranoid Parrot [[276143039126056]]
OMG [[234744756619958]]
Troll Face [[190719461034791]]
Socially Awkward Penguin [[98438140742]]
True Story [[176444735802970]]
Yao Ming [[260295577381249]]
Why You No? [[305369779518251]]
What’s This Racket [[403128636369045]]
You Don’t Say [[357405834291317]]
Giant Troll Face [[311455472226223]] [[311455502226220]] [[311455518892885]] [[311455538892883]] [[311455562226214]] [[311455588892878]] [[311455602226210]] [[311455638892873]] [[311455655559538]] [[311455682226202]] [[311455702226200]] [[311455718892865]] [[311455755559528]] [[311455775559526]] [[311455785559525]] [[311455795559524]] [[311455812226189]] [[311455822226188]] [[311455845559519]] [[311455872226183]] [[311455888892848]] [[311455898892847]] [[311455915559512]] [[311455938892843]] [[311455952226175]] [[311455975559506]] [[311455995559504]] [[311456002226170]] [[311456012226169]] [[311456025559501]] [[311456042226166]] [[311456058892831]] [[311456088892828]] [[311456105559493]] [[311456135559490]] [[311456155559488]] [[311456175559486]] [[311456188892818]] [[311456215559482]] [[311456225559481]] [[311456255559478]] [[311456272226143]] [[311456285559475]] [[311456302226140]] [[311456325559471]] [[311456348892802]] [[311456362226134]] [[311456382226132]] [[311456392226131]] [[311456415559462]] [[311456428892794]] [[311456448892792]] [[311456465559457]] [[311456478892789]] [[311456495559454]] [[311456515559452]] [[311456535559450]] [[311456562226114]] [[311456582226112]] [[311456608892776]] [[311456628892774]] [[311456642226106]] [[311456655559438]] [[311456685559435]] [[311456695559434]] [[311456722226098]] [[311456745559429]] [[311456755559428]] [[311456778892759]] [[311456788892758]] [[311456815559422]] [[311456835559420]] [[311456852226085]] [[311456858892751]] [[311456892226081]] [[311456905559413]] [[311456935559410]] [[311456982226072]] [[311457022226068]] [[311457045559399]] [[311457065559397]] [[311457078892729]] [[311457098892727]] [[311457132226057]] [[311457145559389]] [[311457162226054]] [[311457195559384]] [[311457222226048]] [[311457242226046]] [[311457258892711]] [[311457285559375]] [[311457298892707]] [[311457312226039]] [[311457335559370]] [[311457348892702]] [[311457372226033]] [[311457385559365]] [[311457405559363]] [[311457428892694]] [[311457442226026]]

Facebook emoticon bandiere degli stati

Emoticon Name Shortcut
America [[235308179897232]]
Australia [[251943854888832]]
Brazil [[277313912340862]]
China [[195546403880002]]
England [[368628179823130]]
France [[285505011517859]]
German [[240467632713605]]
India [[236629836375511]]
Italian [[174828349298998]]
New Zealand [[136245833163892]]
Mexican [[394575387235360]]
Pirate [[258922724186445]]
Spanish [[259034514174409]]
UK [[214696081962321]

Facebook emoticon random

Emoticon Name Shortcut
Superman [[136942059667395]]
Domo [[250128751720149]]
Gumby [[172634792775561]]
Spongebob(1) [[334954663181745]]
Spongebob Face [[252585271419080]]
Squidward [[squidward]]
Mr.Krabs [[mrkrabs]]
Sandy [[107950785929863]]
Mrs.Puff [[255841784451619]]
Plankton [[plankton]]
Larry the Lobster [[353372551112]]
Chowder [[49239575354]]
Mung [[105412836215690]]
Kimchi the Fart Cloud [[278204581010]]
Gir [[127734003956294]]
Dora [[dora]]
Barney [[barney]]
Elmo [[elmo]]
Big Bird [[bigbird]]
Cookie Monster [[cookiemonster]]
Winnie The Pooh [[winniethepooh]]
Tigger [[tigger]]
Arthur [[PBSArthur]]
PeeWee Herman [[PeeweeHerman]]
Hello Kitty [[hellokitty]]
The Power Puff Girls [[ThePowerpuffGirls]]
Naruto [[104696320253]]
Goku (Dragonball) [[43985111513]
Goku (Dragonball Z) [[179412035432554]]
Hetalia [[118851214841634]]
Sailor Moon [[52945463402]]
Ponyo [[PONYO]]
Teletubbies [[119960411370345]]
BooBah [[151959596479]]
Charlie Sheen [[charliesheen]]
David Hasselhoff (The Hoff) [[davidhasselhoff]]
Donald Trump [[217104144968122]]
Randy Jackson [[RandyJacksonNext]]
Nyan Cat (1) [[291720597536078]]
Nyan Cat (2) [[118714951545229]]
Ash and Pikachu [[PokemonWorld]]
Pikachu [[326134990738733]]
Poke Ball [[236147243124900]]
Angry Birds [[166456416741199]]
Mario [[300983063279872]]
Super Mario [[supermario]]
Mario Kart [[mariokart]]
Sonic the Hedgehog [[sonic]]
Doraemon [[155393057897143]
Norbita [[224502284290679]]
Shin Chan [[196431117116365]]
Papa Smurf [[124839657530642]]
LLama [[llamafans]]
Trippy Eye [[Hungry.Eyeball]]
Money [[35833778275]]
Derp [[224812970902314]]
Kontana Izumi [[249199828481201]
Pedo Bear [[148935948523684]]
Smirk [[333708903307152]]
Hmmm [[134695813311979]]
Mysterious [[208551699231052]]
WTF [[243002845770158]]
Shock [[274914629225060]]
Crazy [[144264815683239]]
M [[100003277310675]]
A [[100003252111881]]
H [[100003281300913]]
Windows [[windows]]
intel [[intel]]
Google Chrome [[googlechrome]]
Bing [[bing]]
Gmail [[gmail]]
Wikipedia [[wikipedia]]
YouTube [[youtube]]
Facebook [[facebook]]
Restaurant ville [[89423383024]]
FarmVille [[123827117738416]
PetVille [petvillepage]]
Yahoo [[yahoomessenger]]
Hotmail [[hotmail]]
Minecraft [[minecraft]]
iTunes [[itunes]]
Apple [[iPodCommunity]]
Ray William Johnson [[raywilliamjohnson]]
Nintendo 3DS [[Nintendo3DS]]
Playstation [[playstation]]
Sony [[sony]]
American Idol [[101228960064]]
MTV [[mtv]]

Facebook emoticon serie TV, musica e Film
Emoticon Name Shortcut
Glee [[glee]]
Twilight – Edward and Bella [[twilight]]
The Middle [[themiddle]]
Cartoon Network [cartoonnetwork]]
Simpsons Icon [[thesimpsons]
Homer [[53604212520]]
Marge [[320426491306913]]
Bart [[273143272711807]]
Chief Wiggum [[171897879535510]]
More [[333269677221]]
Peter Griffin [[115767121778065]]
Lois [[192384820807511]]
Meg [[108272965860879]]
Stewie [[32248376743]]
Brian [[246684017145]]
Quagmire [[272765955944]]
Mickey Mouse [[mickeymouse]]
Darth Vader [[118532231514890]]
Captain Jack Sparrow [[CaptainJackSparrow]]
Yoda [[80893990611]]
Black Eyed Peas [[blackeyedpeas]]
LMFAO [[lmfao]]
Justin Beiber [[justinbiebermistletoe]
Hannah Montana [[hannahmontana]]
Beyonce [[beyonce]]
Katy Perry [[katyperry]]
Lady Gaga [[ladygaga]]
Eminem [[eminem]]
Mariah Carey [[mariahcarey]]
Michael Jackson [[michaeljackson]]
Led Zeppelin [[131572223581891]]
John Lennon [[johnlennon]]
Metallica [[metallica]]
Taylor Swift [[taylorswift]]
Gene Simmons [[121142661290301]]
Nirvana [[33088012461]]
Blink 182 [[blink182]]
Chuck Norris [[46637413257]]
WWE [[wwe]]
Sad Panda [[119140778183302]]

Facebook emoticon sports

Emoticon Name Shortcut
NFL Logo [[nfl]]
Indiana Colts [[colts]]
Callas Cowboys [[dallascowboys]]
steelers [[steelers]]
ChicagoBears [[chicagobears]]
Chicago Cubs [[cubs]]
Baltimore Ravens [[baltimoreravens]]
Caronlina Panthers [[carolinapanthers]]
Boston Red Sox [[redsox]]
Oakland Raiders [[raiders]
Texas Longhorns [[texaslonghorns]]
Denver Broncos [[denverbroncos]]
Miami Dolphins [[miamidolphins]]
New York Giants
St Louis Cardinals [[cardinals]]
Florida Gators [[floridagators]]
Seattle Sea Hawks [[seahawks]]
University of Oregon [[universityoforegon]]
NBA Logo [[nba]]
Portland Trail Blazers [[trailblazers]]
Denver Nuggest [[denvernuggets]]
LA Lakers [[losangeleslakers]]
Boston Celtics [[bostonceltics]]
Houston Rockets [[houstonrockets]]
Chicago Bulls [[chicagobulls]]
LA Clippers [[laclippers]]

Per visualizzare la lista completa delle emoticons e delle faccine Facebook segui questo link.

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